Table Layout Panel
The TableLayoutPanel control is a container control where child controls are added within a table structure. Each cell in the table contains a single control, unless a container such as a Panel is added first. Useful properties
CellBorderStyle - This property determines if the cell is outlined with a border or not. A value from the TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle enumeration is required, the default value is None:
Inset - A single-line sunken border.
InsetDouble - A double-line sunken border.
None - No borders.
Outset - A single-line raised border.
Outset Double - A double-line raised border.
OutsetPartial - A single-line border containing a raised portion.
Single - A single-line border.
ColumnCount - Determines the number of columns in the table.
ColumnStyles - A collection of column styles, one for each column in the TableLayoutPanel control.
Controls - Gets the collection of controls contained within the control.
GrowStyle - Determines whether the control should expand to accommodate new cells when all existing cells are occupied. A value from the TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle enumeration is required, the default value is AddRows:
AddColumns - The TableLayoutPanel gains additional columns after it is full.
AddRows - The TableLayoutPanel gains additional rows after it is full.
FixedSize - The TableLayoutPanel does not allow additional rows or columns after it is full.
RowCount - Determines the number of rows in the table.
RowStyles - A collection of row styles, one for each row in the TableLayoutPanel control.
This dialog allows you to edit the SizeType property of each of the Columns and Rows in the TableLayoutPanel. The SizeType property determines how the Height (RowStyle) or Width (ColumnStyle) should be interpreted. A value from the SizeType enumeration is required, the default value is Percent:
Absolute - The row or column should be sized to an exact number of pixels.
AutoSize - The row or column should be automatically sized to share space with its peers.
Percent - The row or column should be sized as a percentage of the parent container.
Adding a TableLayoutPanel manually
// Create TableLayoutPanel
TableLayoutPanel tlp = new TableLayoutPanel();
// Set the BorderStyle to Inset
tlp.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Inset;
// Grid has two columns
tlp.ColumnCount = 2;
// Grid has two rows
tlp.RowCount = 2;
// If grid is full add extra cells by adding column
tlp.GrowStyle = TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle.AddColumns;
// Padding (pixels)within each cell (left, top, right, bottom)
tlp.Padding = new Padding(1, 1, 4, 5);
// Add TableLayoutPanel to the Forms controls
this.Controls.Add(tlp); |
Adding a control to a TableLayoutPanel at run time can be done in a couple of ways. Simply using the Add method with just the name of the control adds the control to the first available cell.
// Create buttons
Button button1 = new Button();
button1.Text = "Click Me";
// Add buttons to TableLayoutPanel
tlp.Controls.Add(button1); |
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